Hi Ken,

Do the downloaded rpm files md5sums match the manifest:


We've specifically included the manifest text to try to make it easier
to check downloaded rpms ... :)



On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 08:05, Kenneth Illingsworth wrote:
> Since I have been having difficulty connecting to the primary RH distribution site 
> (ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/7.2/en/os/s390/RedHat/RPMS/), I have been 
> connecting to the MCS mirror site for distributing RPM's for RH Linux v7.2 on s390 
> (ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/redhat/redhat/linux/7.2/en/os/s390/RedHat/RPMS/). This 
> has worked well except for the two GTK+ RPM's. Both have generated the following 
> error when an install attempt has been made via Webmin: Failed to install package : 
> Not a valid RPM file. Other files from the MCS mirror have installed ok, or failed 
> because they depend on GTK+.
> I have downloaded these two RPM's a couple of more times from the MCS mirror with 
> the same result. And, I am still having difficulty accessing the Primary RH 
> distribution site.
> Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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