On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 15:53:40 +0100, Herve Bonvin wrote:
>The idea would be to use java to replace cobol. This way we would have only
>one language and we could use our IFL's during the night.
>Has someone tested the use of java for batch applications ?

I did look into it while I was with BEA - personally I wouldn't recommend it.
Batch is often used to process e.g. millions of rows, and the java overhead,
however small, will hit your performance.
I understand the desire to have just one language for apps, but java for
batch is not the right thing, IMHO. Just as IBMs CSP (anyone remember that one)
wasn't all that hot in batch either.

>What for job scheduling system (like OPC) are available under zLinux ?

I don't know of any. Maybe cron? :-(
Unix and Linux were never very batch-oriented.

Per Jessen, Zurich
http://www.enidan.com - home of the J1 serial console.

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