*** Reply to note of Thu, 13 Mar 2003 07:05:20 +0100

The Linux Journal had an article on gcj (Jan 2003):



Herve Bonvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>I had a meeting with the developers and they are not very please with =
>the idea to use something else as java.
>We place great hopes in the new java.nio package which should improve =
>the io operations. It is jdk 1.4. I don't about gcj and jdk 1.4 but we =
>will have a look.=20
>I will let this list know about the result of our tests. We will test =
>java versus cobol/delta (delta is a cobol generator used by our =
>developers on z/OS). Perl, cobol on CMS are not an option because of =
>lack of knowhow, IDE's ...=20
>Thanks for all the informations I received from this list,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Summerfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 3:55 AM
>Subject: Re: Java on zLinux for batch processing
>> > Portability is also an important factor for us. Once the batch is=20
>> > running on z/OS, the migration to other plateforms is very=20
>> > difficult. If the batch is running on linux, the choice for future=20
>> > migration is much better.
>> That's a slightly different problem, however -- batch on Linux vs=20
>> converting to Java. Converting to Java doesn't make applications that=20
>> much more portable -- you're just dealing with a different set of=20
>> porting problems. (try running a application built with the Sun JVM on =
>> a Windows system sometime -- Java isn't *that* portable).  Running=20
>> batch on Linux is the same problem as running batch on any other Unix=20
>> system.
>> As I said, our results with batch Java apps is pretty mixed. Your=20
>> experience might be better, but there are a lot of issues that tend to =
>> make it not worth the effort.
>For java in batch applications, it's worth considering gcj, part of the =
>Gnu Compiler Collection. If that's not up to snuff, consider hiring =
>someone to help get it fixed. Bearing in mind the expense of any =
>rewriting, I think that that wouldn't be a great additional burden.
>By using gcj, you will get the performance benefits of compiled code =
>with the coding benefits.
>I'm not a great fan of C, especially for anything Cobol and PL/1 can do =
>John Summerfield
>Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/
>Note: mail delivered to me is deemed to be intended for me, for my =
>If you don't like being told you're wrong,
>        be right!

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