Been doing it for months on SLES7 31-bit.  Reiserfs is not fully supported in some 
functions, but I've never had any problems with it.

They say there are three signs of stress in your life.  You eat too much junk food, 
you drive too fast and you veg out in front of the TV.  Who are they kidding?  That 
sounds like a perfect day to me!
Gordon Wolfe, Ph.D. (425)865-5940
VM & Linux Servers and Storage, The Boeing Company

> ----------
> From:         Noll, Ralph
> Reply To:     Linux on 390 Port
> Sent:         Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:30 AM
> Subject:      ext2 and reiserfs
> is there a problem with having both ext2 
> and reiserfs on the same linux
> suse sles8 31 bit s/390
> thanks
> Ralph Noll
> Systems Programmer
> City of Little Rock
> Phone (501) 371-4884
> Fax   (501) 371-4712
>                    \\\|///
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