It takes somewhere between 1 and 4 900 MHz SPARC III to do the work of a
z900T (around 900 MHz) engine, DEPENDING on the workload.  This is at equal
utilization on both machines.  Use 1.5 to 2 if you don't know what the
workload is.
 We use the following rules for utilization:
Benchmark 100%
Head to Head Production (Single Boxes) 60%
Other machine duplexed for availability 40%
Hot Backup for other machine 30%
Production Server Consolidation 25%
Server Consolidation with Test, QA, etc. 15%
ISV 10%

So a server consolidation case would be 6-8 SPARC's per Turbo.  Lots of
caveates, lots of complicating factors but this will get you a start.  Get
your IBM rep for a sizing.  They should be able to get local FTSS
assistance for these kinds of estimates and help to get the utilization
measured, etc.

Joe Temple
845-435-6301  295/6301   cell 914-706-5211 home 845-338-8794

                      Gerard Graham
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      >                        cc:
                      Sent by: Linux on        Subject:  Processor Comparisons
                      390 Port
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      03/27/2003 10:23
                      Please respond to
                      Linux on 390 Port

 Has anyone gotten anywhere with processor comparisons ? I am now being
asked to give estimates such as what is the IBM equivalent in MIPs to a Sun
E4500/Solaris 8 CPU box or a Sun 4200 Solaris, I myself look at these
machines and have no idea how big or small they are.  I am not talking
utilization or what apps are running on it I am just trying to get some
kind of grid for comparisons. I am constantly being asked these questions
and people are tired of the canned "it depends" answer. It is difficult to
move forward with the Linux on z/series without some kind of ballpark
numbers. Again ballpark I can't give a potential customer the how a CPU
works answer they will just look away and go and by another server.  Any
help is appreciated.

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