On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 09:25:36AM -0600, McKown, John wrote:
> I am actually testing this on Linux/Intel because we still don't have a
> Linux/390 system. Anyway I have two PCs at home. One runs Linux, the other
> Win2K. I have WinaXe as my Win2k/Xserver. I have gotten X11 tunneling
> working for simple xterms and the KDE desktop (slow on my 10Mb LAN) (enter
> "kde" on the SSH session). I cannot determine what to run to get Gnome
> running. I tried "gdm" and got an error about gdm wanting to be root. What
> starts the Gnome desktop?

BTW: you dont have to have a full kde/gnome environment to work with
kde/gnome apps. You only need an X server and an X Window manager for
that. If the network performance is problematic, a local window manager
will make your work much faster.

Plus, the less you run on the big iron's CPU, the better.

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir/ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
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