I migrated a RedHat 7.2 31bit distribution to a z800 0X2 over the weekend. This is LPAR MODE.
IPL completes successfully but no console messages. Sanity check: It's ok to run RedHat 7.2 31bit mode on a z800 right?? I migrated the linux system from MP3000 internal disk to a new Shark F20... and I connected both the mp3000 and the new z800 to the shark for data migration. Just to make sure I copied the redhat system ok (and modified the boot parmfile etc. for new device addrs)... I IPLed the system (using the MP3000 off of the shark DASD and it boots OK from the MP3000 !! So...why am I not getting console msgs on the z800 HMC? I have stripped down the CHPIDs for the RedHat LPAR to nothing but the shark disks and a bustech device for IP, so I know that's not the problem. I also get the same symptom when I IPL from the HMC CDROM..using an SLES8 31bit dist. Any ideas??????? TIA Dave Myers Denver Solutions Group Senior Systems Engineer Office Phone: (303) 996-7112 Cellular Phone: (303) 619-0782 Home Office: (303) 948-0027 Fax: (303) 706.1713 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]