
Normally, sendmail is controlled by /etc/init.d/sendmail.  An imap server is
(somewhat) unrelated to sendmail, and uses port 143.  The sendmail daemon
uses port 25 and is considered an MTA (mail transfer agent) as opposed to a
mail delivery agent.  An MTA normally runs all the time as a daemon, and is
not started by inetd.  When I look at the contents of /etc/init.d/sendmail
in SLES8, I see this:
        startproc    -p $srvpid /usr/sbin/sendmail $SENDMAIL_ARGS

So, the tcp wrapper program (tcpd) is not invoking sendmail.  Now, whether
sendmail was compiled with tcp wrapper support or not is another matter.

You could try starting sendmail with debugging turned on "-dX" where "X" is
a number, and see if anything interesting comes out when a 192.168.x.x host

Now having done a "man 5 hosts_access" command, I see this:
  The access control language implements the following patterns:
  o  A  string  that  begins  with a `.' character. A host name is matched
if the
     last components of its name match the specified pattern.  For  example,
     pattern `.tue.nl' matches the host name `wzv.win.tue.nl'.

  o  A  string  that  ends with a `.' character. A host address is matched
if its
     first numeric fields match the  given  string.   For  example,  the
    `131.155.'  matches the address of (almost) every host on the Eindhoven
     versity network (131.155.x.x).

So, it looks like you should be specifying "192.168." as your addresses to
be blocked.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Coffin Michael C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: SuSE 8 /etc/hosts.deny and CIDR

Hi Mark,

Hmmm, that's interesting.  My definition for "sendmail" in inetd.conf is
commented out, does sendmail start as part of the imap package?  I think it
does (been a long time since I looked), and imap starts with the "tcpd"
invocation (ftp, telnet and several others do as well).  When I check my
mail log (/var/log/mail) I can definitely see the hosts in /etc/hosts.deny
being blocked by tcpwrappers.  Here is an example:

Jul  8 18:14:41 linux sendmail[5070]: h68MEaPK005070: tcpwrappers (unknown, rejection

So it appears that sendmail is using tcpwrappers.

Is the CIDR addressing format supported for /etc/hosts.deny in SuSE 8?

Michael Coffin, VM Systems Programmer 
Internal Revenue Service - Room 6030 
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W. 
Washington, D.C.  20224 

Voice: (202) 927-4188   FAX:  (202) 622-6726

-----Original Message-----
From: Post, Mark K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: SuSE 8 /etc/hosts.deny and CIDR


Is your SMTP server actually _using_ tcpwrappers?  Most of them do not.  You
would have to be starting it like this:
        /usr/sbin/tcpd  /path/to/your/smtpdaemon

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Coffin Michael C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:18 AM
Subject: SuSE 8 /etc/hosts.deny and CIDR

Hi Folks,

Can you use CIDR addressing in /etc/hosts.deny?  This is SuSE 8 by the way.

I've got a statement in hosts.deny which reads:


to reject everything from 192.168. (actual IP's are different) but an IP
address in that range was allowed to connect to my SMTP server.  Shouldn't
tcpwrappers have blocked it? Michael Coffin, VM Systems Programmer Internal
Revenue Service - Room 6030 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C.
Voice: (202) 927-4188   FAX:  (202) 622-6726

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