Loren, You're running in 64-bit mode? (That's what the "s390x" means.) If you're not, then try whatever updates are labeled as #-s390-# instead.
Mark Post -----Original Message----- From: Loren Charnley, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 9:17 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Updating SuSE Kernel All, I have a problem when I try to load the update for Service Pack 2 for SLES8 for IBM zSeries. I've followed the instructions using NFS and the loopback mounts, and either way I get an error saying: Error Initialization failed. Please check that you have inserted the correct CD. When I try to update the kernel using the supplied rpm from the ISO image, I get the following message: # rpm -Uvh k_deflt-2.4.19-80.s390x.rpm package k_deflt-2.4.19-80 is for a different architecture We are currently running the 2.4.19-3suse-SMP kernel on a z800-0A1 on an IFL in an LPAR. Any help in getting this solved would be greatly appreciated. I have also sent this information to SuSE but they are slow to answer most times and I need a quick answer. TIA, Loren Charnley, Jr. Tech Support Administrator Family Dollar Stores, Inc. Phone: (704) 847-6961 Ext. 2000