>From beautiful, sunny and very warm San Francisco!

Linux on zSeries has a large presence at this event. In the IBM booth
we have a z990 running lots of Linux images (cloning exercise). We are
also hosting lots of virtual Linux servers for other booths at the
show. The z990 is also part of a Linux grid running a financial
analysis application using DataSynapse's grid management software. The
z990 is getting lots of oohs and ahs. CA has good size booth with a
central focus of managing Linux on VM. Linuxcare is hosting a separate
booth (see http://www.linuxonzseriesatwork.com/ ) where several
vendors (including IBM products such as z/VM) are being shown running
on the z990. Of course SuSE and Red Hat have booths with zSeries and
IBM partners Mainline and Denver Solutions Group (Sytek Services) are

At the show today, Linuxcare announced Version 2 of the Levanta
provisioning solution.

Also today, Veritas has now made available their Foundation Suite for
Red Hat Linux for S/390. SuSE support will be available before YE2003.

I will go around the show tomorrow when I get a few free moments, and
will post here a summary of all the vendors showing Linux products.

PS: While the z990 will not be at SHARE (not enough time to get the
machine across country!), we will have a z990 cut open (part hardware,
part plexiglass) so you will actually see the insides of this machine!

Regards, Jim

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