On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 13:11, Ledbetter, Scott E wrote:
> Hmmm.  David and Adam work for the same company.
> David said:
> - MS buying Connectix was a clear step in that direction, and they have
> - already announced that Longhorn will have virtual machine capabilities
> built
> - in. So, 2005ish, methinks.
> - -- db
> But Adam said:
> - Oh, to be young and naive again.

Yeah, well, I trust MS even less than David does.

It is not to Microsoft's advantage to actually *produce* a virtual
server.  It *is* to their advantage to *say* they're going to, to keep
people from going and spending their money with IBM.

I have no insider knowledge.  I just know the smell of rat.


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