
Here is the response I got from Suse on that question:

After you have downloaded the CD image there are two possibilities to make
it available to the system that needs to be updated:

    * write it to a CD-R, mount the CD on a work station (for example
      running Linux, Windows or a variation of UNIX) and make it available
      to the zSeries Linux system to be updated, preferably by NFS.

    * copy the image to the system to be updated and mount it with the
      loopback driver

          mount -o ro,loop SLES-8-SP2-s390x.iso /mnt2

      for the content of the CD to become available at /mnt2.

Unfortunately, the FTP and HTTP update methods currently do not work

In case the Linux system to be updated does not have any HTTP access to please edit the file /etc/sysconfig/onlineupdate and


as the update mechanism uses the YaST Online Update module which tries
to retrieve the current online update server list from on

Next, start YaST and select the module Patch CD Update from the Software

Click the "Expert"-Button (marked as "[Expert]" in the text mode version of
YaST) and select either "NFS" or "Directory" as the type of URL, depending
on whether you provide the disk content via NFS or the loopback mounted
disk image.

Finally, enter the location of the data (host name and path for NFS or
directory for loopback mounted disk image) and press the "Ok" and then
the "Next"-Button. You will see the selection of patches to be applied on
the next screen, when you are satisfied with that selection press "Next"
again. YaST will subsequently start to install the updates.

The top level directory of the CD contains the files README and
RELEASE.NOTE. Please refer to these files for further instructions
on how to apply the updates.


-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Hodgson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 November 2003 12:45 PM
Subject: SuSE SP3

I've just downloaded SuSE's SP3 but am perplexed on how to get yast to 'see'
both CD images using  FTP.

Anyone point me in the right direction?



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