>Everyone know that Al Gore invented the Internet. When is he being
>knighted, and do they have a spot in the UK for him to live?

  Al Gore really did work on getting the Internet started - and perhaps
without his efforts we wouldn't have the modern Internet.  We'll never
know for sure - but he did play a role.

  No, he wasn't a technical sort - he was a Senator, and he did what a
Senator could do.  He worked to continue funding for an NSF project
called "NSFnet" - and he succeeded.  That kept NSF able to continue
funding the NSFnet, and developed into the Internet that we are using.

  It is really ironical that instead of getting recognized and thanked
for doing something he could do - he is ridiculed for not doing
something he couldn't do.  (And I think he is responsible for a lot of

--henry schaffer

P.S. Yes, I wuz there.

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