(Please don't top-post.)

On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 11:34:52AM -0800, Fargusson.Alan wrote:
> Jay Maynard:
> > Never heard of Mac OS X? Just in case you haven't heard this little detail,
> > it's based on FreeBSD.
> True, however they are acting like it is a GPL in the sense that they are
> contributing back to FreeBSD.

I don't suppose it's occurred to you that the reason they're contributing
back to FreeBSD is not because someone is holding a gun to their heads...in
fact, precisely the reverse? Or that the reason they started with FreeBSD in
the first place is precisely because they wanted to stay away from the GPL?

In any case, OS X is not a triumph for either the FSF or the GPL. It's an
object lesson in how to be business-friendly...and the GPL is not the

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