> Microsoft has a WIndows UNIX addon that has tar support.  Cygin I think is a better 
> option.  There is some freware programs GZIP or Powerarchiver that may do what you 
> want.  Check out webattack.com for some of theseprograms.

John Leach
> From: Terry Spaulding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/01/28 Wed PM 12:55:41 EST
> Subject: Re: Looking for a windows product to create Linux tar files ....
> It looks like cygwin maybe it. My only real requirement is to be able to
> set the file permissions and group settings on these files before the tar.
> Thanks to all those that responded.........
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> David wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 11:33, Terry Spaulding wrote:
> > I am looking for a windows based product that will take a group of
> windows
> > files (html, gif, sss, ear) and create a tar file
> Cygwin comes to mind.
> http://www.cygwin.com/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Terry L. Spaulding
> IBM Global Services

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