Well, i tried upping the initial size, I quadrupled it, to no avail.  It looks like 
that messages is generated around line 837 in the mkinird, before your change. 

Here is the results of the bash on mkinitrd:
bash -x mkinitrd                           
+ kernels_default=vmlinuz vmlinuz.shipped  
+ initrds_default=initrd initrd.shipped    
+ kernels=                                 
+ initrds=                                 
+ modules=                                 
+ boot_dir=                                
+ splash=auto                              
+ oem=                                     
++ uname -m                                
+ arch=s390                                
+ arch=s390                                
+ arch=s390                                
+ kernels_default=kernel/image             
+ initrds_default=initrd                   
+ splash=off                               
+ getopts :hk:i:m:b:d:o:s:t:D: a           
++ expr 1 - 1                              
+ shift 0                                  
+ '[' -n '' ']'                            
+ '[' '' ']'                               
+ root_dir=/                                    
+ '[' xoff = xoff ']'                           
+ splash=                                       
+ '[' x = xauto ']'                             
+ '[' -n '' ']'                                 
+ '[' -z '' ']'                                 
+ '[' -n '' ']'                                 
+ '[' s390 = ppc -a kernel/image = vmlinux ']'  
+ '[' -z '' ']'                                 
+ kernels=kernel/image                          
+ '[' -z '' ']'                                 
+ initrds=initrd                                
++ echo kernel/image                            
++ wc -w                                        
+ kc=      1                                    
++ echo initrd                                  
++ wc -w                                        
+ ic=      1                                    
+ '[' 1 '!=' 1 ']'                              
+ '[' -z '' ']'                                 
+ boot_dir=/boot                                
+ '[' -z '' ']'                                 
+ tmp_dir=/var/tmp                                                              
+ static_shell=/bin/ash.static                                                  
+ static_insmod=/sbin/insmod.static                                             
+ bootsplash_picture_dir=//usr/share/splash/themes/current                      
+ image_blocks=80980                                                            
+ image_inodes=8096                                                             
+ PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:
+ tmp_mnt=/var/tmp/mnt3883                                                      
+ tmp_mnt_small=/var/tmp/mnt3883_small                                          
+ tmp_msg=/var/tmp/msg3883                                                      
+ tmp_modconf=/var/tmp/modconf3883                                              
+ lx_rc=/var/tmp/mnt3883/linuxrc                                                
+ is_mounted=                                                                   
+ is_mounted_small=                                                             
+ tmp_initrd=///var/tmp/initrd3883                                              
+ tmp_initrd_small=///var/tmp/initrd3883_small                                  
+ mounted_proc=                                                                 
+ '[' '!' -r /proc/mounts ']'                                                   
+ '[' -z '' ']'                                                                 
++ sed -e '/^[  ]*#/d'                                                          
+ read fstab_device fstab_mountpoint fstab_type fstab_options dummy  
+ test / = /                                                         
+ rootdev=/dev/dasda1                                                
+ rootfstype=ext2                                                    
+ break                                                              
+ test -z ''                                                         
+ test -z /dev/dasda1                                                
+ realrootdev=/dev/dasda1                                            
+ root_lvm=0                                                         
+ '[' -n /dev/dasda1 -a -b /dev/dasda1 ']'                           
++ ls -l /dev/dasda1                                                 
++ sed -e 's/.* \([0-9]\+\), *[0-9]\+.*/\1/'                         
+ major=94                                                           
+ '[' 94 -ne 58 ']'                                                  
+ '[' / '!=' / ']'                                                   
+ cat /proc/modules                                                  
+ grep -q '^zfcp'                                                    
+ test '' -a '!' -s //etc/zfcp.conf                                  
+ zfcp_conf_contents=                                                
+ test -f //etc/zfcp.conf                                            
+ test -n ''                                                         
+ cat /proc/modules                                                  
+ grep -q -e '^dasd'                                                     
+ do_dasd=1                                                              
+ test -f //etc/zipl.conf                                                
+ grep -q '^[[:space:]]*parameters=.*dasd=' //etc/zipl.conf              
+ zipl_conf_with_dasd=1                                                  
+ grep '^[[:space:]]*parameters=' //etc/zipl.conf                        
+ grep -qv dasd=                                                         
+ grep -q '^[[:space:]]*options[[:space:]]\+dasd_mod' //etc/modules.conf 
+ test 1                                                                 
+ do_dasd=1                                                              
+ test ''                                                                
+ x="/dev/dasda1"                                                        
+ test -n ''                                                             
+ test /dev/dasda1 '!=' /dev/dasda1                                      
+ echo 'using "/dev/dasda1" as root device (mounted on "/" as "ext2")'   
using "/dev/dasda1" as root device (mounted on "/" as "ext2")            
+ '[' -f //etc/sysconfig/kernel ']'                                      
+ . //etc/sysconfig/kernel                                               
++ INITRD_MODULES=                                                       
++ SHMFS_SIZE=                                                           
+ '[' -z '' ']'                                                          
+ modules=                                                               
+ '[' 0 = 1 ']'                                                             
+ '[' '' -o 0 = 1 -o '' = 1 -o -n '' -o -n '' -o s390 = s390 ']'            
+ do_raid=                                                                  
+ do_raid5=                                                                 
+ has_xor=                                                                  
+ has_jfs=                                                                  
+ has_nls=                                                                  
+ has_qdio=                                                                 
+ '[' '' -a '!' '' ']'                                                      
+ '[' '' -a '!' '' ']'                                                      
+ '[' '' -a '!' '' ']'                                                      
+ test 1                                                                    
+ test -z ''                                                                
+ grep -q ECKD /proc/dasd/devices                                           
+ echo -e '\nFound ECKD dasd, adding dasd eckd discipline!'                 
Found ECKD dasd, adding dasd eckd discipline!                               
+ enable_module dasd_eckd_mod 'ECKD dasd'                                   
+ modules= dasd_eckd_mod                                                    
+ echo -e '\nNote: If you want to add ECKD dasd support for later mkinitrd' 
Note: If you want to add ECKD dasd support for later mkinitrd               
+ echo 'calls where possibly no ECKD dasd is found, add dasd_eckd_mod'   
calls where possibly no ECKD dasd is found, add dasd_eckd_mod            
+ echo 'to INITRD_MODULES in /etc/sysconfig/kernel'                      
to INITRD_MODULES in /etc/sysconfig/kernel                               
+ test -z ''                                                             
+ grep -q FBA /proc/dasd/devices                                         
+ test -z ''                                                             
+ grep -q DIAG /proc/dasd/devices                                        
+ test ''                                                                
+ test 1                                                                 
+ test 1 -o ''                                                           
+ test 1 -a ''                                                           
+ test '' = 1 -a -z ''                                                   
+ need_libc=                                                             
+ '[' 0 = 1 -o -n '' -o '' -o '' -o '' ']'                               
+ '[' '' ']'                                                             
+ lib=lib                                                                
+ '[' -s //lib/ld64.so.1 ']'                                             
+ initrd_a=($initrds)                                                    
+ exit_code=0                                                            
+ kernel_idx=0                                                           
+ kk=//boot/kernel/image                                                 
+ kk=/boot/kernel/image                                                 
+ '[' -f /boot/kernel/image ']'                                         
++ /sbin/get_kernel_version /boot/kernel/image                          
+ vv=2.4.21-83-default                                                  
+ ii=//boot/initrd                                                      
+ ii=/boot/initrd                                                       
+ echo                                                                  
+ echo 'creating initrd "/boot/initrd" for kernel "/boot/kernel/image"' 
creating initrd "/boot/initrd" for kernel "/boot/kernel/image"          
+ echo -n '(version 2.4.21-83-default)'                                 
(version 2.4.21-83-default)+ '[' s390 = s390 ']'                        
+ echo ' (s390)'                                                        
+ echo                                                                  
+ '[' -d //lib/modules/2.4.21-83-default/misc ']'                       
+ mkdir /var/tmp/mnt3883                                                
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=///var/tmp/initrd3883 bs=1k count=80980            
+ mke2fs -q -F -b 1024 -m 0 -N 8096 ///var/tmp/initrd3883               
+ tune2fs -i 0 ///var/tmp/initrd3883                                    
+ mount -t ext2 -oloop ///var/tmp/initrd3883 /var/tmp/mnt3883           
+ is_mounted=1                                                                  
+ rmdir /var/tmp/mnt3883/lost+found                                             
+ mkdir /var/tmp/mnt3883/bin /var/tmp/mnt3883/dev                               
+ initrd_devices=//dev/{zero,null,ram0,ram1,ram2,ram,ramdisk,console,md*}       
+ eval cp -a '//dev/{zero,null,ram0,ram1,ram2,ram,ramdisk,console,md*}' /var/tmp
++ cp -a //dev/zero //dev/null //dev/ram0 //dev/ram1 //dev/ram2 //dev/ram //dev/
ramdisk //dev/console //dev/md0 //dev/md1 //dev/md10 //dev/md11 //dev/md12 //dev
/md13 //dev/md14 //dev/md15 //dev/md16 //dev/md17 //dev/md18 //dev/md19 //dev/md
2 //dev/md20 //dev/md21 //dev/md22 //dev/md23 //dev/md24 //dev/md25 //dev/md26 /
/dev/md27 //dev/md28 //dev/md29 //dev/md3 //dev/md30 //dev/md31 //dev/md4 //dev/
md5 //dev/md6 //dev/md7 //dev/md8 //dev/md9 /var/tmp/mnt3883/dev                
+ cp /bin/ash.static /var/tmp/mnt3883/bin/sh                                    
+ cp /sbin/insmod.static /var/tmp/mnt3883/bin/insmod                            
+ '[' '' ']'                                                                    
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'                                                               
+ '[' -n '' ']'                                                                 
+ '[' '' ']'                                                                    
+ '[' -n '' ']'                                                                 
+ '[' '' ']'                                                                    
+ echo '#! /bin/sh'                                                             
+ echo                                                                          
+ echo 'export PATH=/bin'                                                   
+ echo                                                                      
+ chmod 755 /var/tmp/mnt3883/linuxrc                                        
+ rm -f /var/tmp/modconf3883                                                
+ echo depfile=//lib/modules/2.4.21-83-default/modules.dep                  
+ mods2=                                                                    
++ /sbin/modprobe -C /var/tmp/modconf3883 -v -n dasd_eckd_mod               
++ sed -ne 's#^/sbin/insmod.*/\(.*\)\.o.*#\1#p'                             
+ modlist=dasd_mod                                                          
+ '[' 'dasd_mod                                                             
dasd_eckd_mod' ']'                                                          
+ '[' '' = '' ']'                                                           
+ mods2= dasd_mod                                                           
+ '[' ' dasd_mod ' = ' dasd_mod ' ']'                                       
+ mods2= dasd_mod  dasd_eckd_mod                                            
++ echo dasd_mod dasd_eckd_mod                                              
+ modules_res=dasd_mod dasd_eckd_mod                                        
++ cd /                                                                     
++ find lib/modules/2.4.21-83-default/ -name dasd_mod.o                     
++ head -1                                                                  
+ x=lib/modules/2.4.21-83-default/kernel/drivers/s390/block/dasd_mod.o      
+ '[' lib/modules/2.4.21-83-default/kernel/drivers/s390/block/dasd_mod.o ']'    
+ tar -C / -cf - lib/modules/2.4.21-83-default/kernel/drivers/s390/block/dasd_mo
+ tar -C /var/tmp/mnt3883 -xpf -                                                
+ '[' 127 '!=' 0 ']'                                                            
+ echo 'dasd_mod: failed to add module "/lib/modules/2.4.21-83-default/kernel/dr
dasd_mod: failed to add module "/lib/modules/2.4.21-83-default/kernel/drivers/s3
+ oops 6 'initrd too small'                                                     
+ echo 'initrd too small'                                                       
initrd too small                                                                
+ clean_up                                                                      
+ rm -f /var/tmp/modconf3883                                                    
+ '[' 1 ']'                                                                     
+ umount /var/tmp/mnt3883                                                       
+ is_mounted=                                                                   
+ '[' '' ']'                                                                    
+ is_mounted_small=                                                             
+ rm -f ///var/tmp/initrd3883 ///var/tmp/initrd3883.gz /var/tmp/msg3883         
+ rm -f ///var/tmp/initrd3883_small ///var/tmp/initrd3883_small.gz              
+ '[' -d /var/tmp/mnt3883 ']'                                                   
+ rmdir /var/tmp/mnt3883                                
+ '[' -d /var/tmp/mnt3883_small ']'                     
+ continue 2                                            
+ umount_proc                                           
+ '[' '' ']'                                            
+ mounted_proc=                                         
+ '[' 0 = 0 -a -f //etc/lilo.conf ']'                   
+ '[' 0 = 0 -a -f //etc/zipl.conf ']'                   
+ echo -e '\nRun zipl now to update the IPL record!\n'  
Run zipl now to update the IPL record!                  
+ exit 0                                                

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/31/04 01:31PM >>>
>> At line at 1061 which is:
>> dd if=/dev/zero of=$tmp_initrd_small bs=1k count=$img_size
>> Can you remove the "2>/dev/null" portion of that, run mkinitrd again
>> see if you get any "No space left on device" errors?
> I did as you suggested, but I don't get any additional messages, it's
> exact same thing.

That's strange.  You should have at least seen something kind of like:
20629+0 records in
20629+0 records out
somewhere after 'creating initrd "/boot/initrd" for kernel
but before 'dasd_mod: failed to add module

initrd too small'

Does a "which mkinitrd" return /sbin/mkinitrd?

At this point I can only suggest you do a bash -x mkinitrd and post the
output in order to figure out what codepath your mkinitrd script is

I mean, you could try upping the size of the initial initrd (look for #
maximum initrd size and image_blocks=20480), but the fact that you get
zero output from the second dd though the "initrd too small" error
clearly comes after it makes me wonder what is really going on...

~ Daniel


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