On Tue, 28 Sep 2004, Richard Pinion wrote:

Now how did you know I was using Hercules.

Plenty of us do; it probably wasn't a difficult guess... ;)

In Hercules one starts a TN3270 session using the IP address of the PC
that is running Hercules and specifies port 3270.

That's the Hercules equivalent of plugging in a 3270 terminal. Oh, and switching it on, of course.

I'm doing this but I'm not getting anything.

Are you running a program against the device that represents your 3270? If you want to log in via your 3270, check that a getty or equivalent (mgetty, mingetty) is running for the device. These are usually started from inittab, but you could test just by starting it manually from the command line of another (working) session. You'll need to know the device node name (the /dev/ name) of your 3270 and specify that on the getty command.

Cheers, HTH,
Vic Cross

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