On Tuesday, 04/05/2005 at 12:51 PDT, Barton Robinson
> Has anyone outside of ibm actually implemented PAV
> for Linux? From everything i've seen, the requirement
> is in VM, not Linux.

Are folks getting excessive device queuing on CP-owned volumes in their
production environments?  From what I read here, it seems like relatively
few people put Linux data on minidisks, preferring (for a variety of
reasons) to use fullpack minidisks or volumes carved to size.  And our
paging rates (without PAV) are nothing to sneeze at.

I'm not arguing against PAV, but I'm curious whether the benefit of PAV
for CP-owned volumes would be real or just wishful thinking.

Alan Altmark
Devil's Advocate
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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