
The hint is right there:
# mount -n -o remount,rw /

Try that command and you should have your root file system read/write.
Then the question is how to repair your system so it at least boots.  It
sounds like your DASD got out of sync, so that what was /dev/dasdc is no
longer /dev/dasdc. So perhaps the easiest thing to do is to modify
/etc/fstab so it doesn't panic when it can't mount /dev/dasdc1. I would
guess the /dev/dasdc1 has a "1 2" as the last two fields. Try:
# cd /etc
# grep "1 2" fstab

If this assumption is true, you can change it to "0 0" as follows:
# cp fstab fstab.bad
# cat fstab.bad | sed -e 's/1 2/0 0/g' > fstab

Do a "cat fstab" to be sure you have the 0 0 in there. Then you want to be
sure the change is written to disk. I guess "sync" is safe (not sure is
shutdown is in the initrd and not sure if you can umount a remounted root
file system). Then if you IPL your system it should come up because even
if /zptf is not mounted, the system won't panic.

Getting back to the VDISK swap. Are you creating the VDISK swap space with
the SWAPGEN EXEC from Sine Nomine?  Your first append suggests you may be
trying to change a minidisk to a VDISK which is not possible. A scenario
for using a VDISK swap space then a minidisk swap space is written up in
the (still draft) redbook "z/VM and Linux on zSeries: From LPAR to Virtual
Servers in Two Days" on the Web at:

I believe you can edit the zipl.conf file and specifically associate a
driver type with a disk. You don't say what virtual device your VDISK swap
space is, but let's say it's 204. Then you can
# vi zipl.conf // add the dasd= string
target = /boot/zipl
image = /boot/image
ramdisk = /boot/initrd
parameters = "root=/dev/dasda1 dasd=201,202,203,204(fba) selinux=0
TERM=dumb elevator=cfq"

and run zipl. I believe this will work. Good luck.

"Mike MacIsaac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   (845) 433-7061

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