OK Thanks everyone. >From the comments, I've learned....
There isn't an automagical thingie that I was suppose to know about. I was aware of the .bashrc, .profile, .profile.local, etc stuff. I would have thought Oracle would have been aware of it also. This isn't a zLinux vs Linux thing. This has paired down my options to...it's an Oracle problem. I think I understand why I keep saying that mksless9root was "Mark's". As Mark is quick on the list to suggest/talk about it. And I guess Mike, not putting his name in the comments is also a way for code to get out without the hassles from the lawyers at the company he works for. <G> Thanks Tom Duerbusch THD Consulting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit http://www.marist.edu/htbin/wlvindex?LINUX-390