> If we can standardize on
> minidisk addresses, a configuration interface, and capture
> 95% commonality of what an Oracle (or any) server should
> provide, and optimize it, that would be a good thing.

Agreed. Been there, done that.

I have the toolkit for building such appliances set up, and all the pieces
assembled. Somebody now needs to stand up and say they want badly enough to
pay something for the effort involved in constructing it.

If anyone seriously wants a dedicated Oracle appliance, contact me offlist.
It's about a week project to do it. If two people want it and can contribute
something to help fund the cost of development, I can get it done PDQ.

> I can see all the
> pieces out there waiting to be put together, its just a
> matter of willpower (and yes, legal hurdles). David, see what
> you started?

Yes. I also see how much good it did me. 8-(

> Replace our revered stack, with its Ancestral origins, one of
> the Seven Wonders of the Computing World, with a Linux IP
> stack?  Now go wash your mouth out with soap.  Twice.  ;-)

Then come talk to me about how to get it done.

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