They want to create an FTP service or area where all have access to send and receive files but in a secure fashion across the organization on Linux zSeries. I was curious if anyone has setup something like this and what they used or if there was a commercial package that offered a structured FTP service with built in security functionality. I was thinking why not a simple vsftpd as a secured FTP method seeing it comes with SuSE.
Thanks............ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mark replied: Dave's suggestion of vsftpd is a good one, but I'm curious as to what "more than sftp" you're looking for? Mark Post -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave replied: Terry, I've had good experiences with the vsftpd server (Very Secure FTPd). More information at: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- original post: I am trying to find a product that is a secured central FTP service where the FTP server will be on Linux zSeries and files can be deposited and picked up there. Looking for more then just sftp but not sure of any other requirements at this time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regards, Terry L. Spaulding IT Specialist IBM ITS [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit