On Monday, 05/08/2006 at 03:06 AST, Greg Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At our shop we primarily use z/OS for production.  We have complete DR
> routine software and we regularly have DR drills at least 4 times a
> With that in mind I found it easier to backup our VM using what is
> in place for z/OS, namely varying the VM DASD online to our z/OS
> production system then using DFDSS in JCL.  This will get you full
> backups for the VM LPAR.  What it lacks in granularity it makes up for
> complete DR with little hassle.

The rule still applies, though: Out-of-band backups require that the
entities that have data on those volumes (whether CP or a guest) unmount
and/or detach them before you perform the backups.

You can do backups while the guests are running, of course, but you risk
the quality of the backup if the guest isn't actively cooperating with the
backup process.  In some cases that risk is acceptable and in others it
isn't - it just depends on the particular application.  I don't care about
paging volumes.  I do care that all extents in an LVM are consistent.

I mean, given
- Unix ServerA connected to SCSI LUN X
- Unix ServerB also connected to SCSI LUN X
then I think no distributed system admin would suggest using ServerB to
backup the LUN while ServerA is running.

Backups are easy.  Meaningful backups are less so.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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