Richard Pinion wrote:
I imagine everybody's desktop is different, hardware/OS, but I've not had the 
same success rate with my home or work PC as you have had.   Are you running a 
Mac or Intel, Linux or Windows?  I think the new Mac commercials are sooo cool!

Those were two semprons (32-bit) on cheap commodity mobos.

One's running Centos 4, the other's running (I think I'm allowed to make
this claim) Fedora Core upgraded to RHEL 4 from packages I built myself.

These are Pentium IIIs, various brands:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ssh uptime
 21:01:06 up 127 days, 14:05, 38 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.10, 0.09
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ssh uptime
 20:21:54 up 127 days, 13:29,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ssh uptime
 21:32:15 up 127 days, 14:41, 19 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.11, 0.04

The first is running Fedora Core 3, the other two are running Debian's
Sarge. I guess it's almost 128 days since the last power failure.

I'd show you another (Pentium II), but I rebooted it a few days ago when
I upgraded (remotely) Woody to Sarge.

It is true that none of those is very busy very much of the time

I rebooted the office Xserv earlier today for reasons not to do with
software or hardware problems.

We've got a new Sempron 64 system running Windows 2003 Server. It will
be _the_ domain controller when I figure a no-risk way of extracting the
EVectra (Pentium III 600, 128 Mb) that was DC before I started. The
Evectra's reliable enough, just bloody slow. Since I took over the
Windows network I don't recall either of the servers requiring an
unplanned reboot. However, there have been enough of those to spoil
uptime figures.

btw I went Window shopping for a used Z 800 a while back. IBM recommends
Windows XP Professional for it.

Only $290,000.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 5/18/2006 8:24 PM >>>

The Athlon XP is quite dated:-)

Sounds a lot like the problem I mentioned with our Sydney S/370 model
145 and the "No Record Found" error.

The RAS features of IBM's zSeries are, of course, features of IBM's
zSeries, but that does not make them defining features of mainframes.
The S/370 model 145 was one of IBM's finest mainframes in its day, and
while they still have advanced features over today's peecees, I'd not
expect them to match the 71 days my desktop's been up (since I installed
a UPS), let alone the 118 days the box in the next room's been up (I
don't recall why I rebooted that, possibly some fiddling with the boot



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