Macioce, Larry wrote:
We are in the planning process of changing our public addrs to bring
them in house. But I have a question. I know I can go into YAST and make
the change to the network card for the instance ip addr and the router
number. But the minute I save the changes I'm going to lose my
connection into the instance. Now let's say the network guys make their
change and it doesn't work. That never happens does it??????????? How
would I get back into my guest to make the changes back? I logged into a
guest and su'ed and then went to yast but it took forever and when I got
the "more" I hit enter expecting to see the yast menu but nothing
happened. What am I missing?
Thanks in advance
I use dialup Internet from home, and of course my home IP is different
each time.
I use openvpn to run a VPN from home to work so that, whenever I'm
connected, I'm also part of work's LAN.
For this to work, one end (the server) has to be able to be located from
the other, whether by fixed IP address or by host name. Openvpn requires
one open port in the firewall, UDP port 1194 by default. It can almost
certainly meet your corporate requirements for security BUT it's
authenticating the computers - not so good if you run a VPN from laptop
to the office and your laptop gets confiscated at Heathrow.
If you're configuring stuff from the commandline, run it inside screen.
I did this once when reconfiguring a DSL modem from outside and I wasn't
sure whether the modem was going to cut me off by dropping the connexion.
If you're using a GUI, then vnc does the same kind of thing.
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