Hi, list. I have a problem using db2tapemgr on db2/Linux. 

While testing the log archive into a tape device and its removal from disk by 
using db2tapemgr, this is what I get:

> db2tapemgr db lnxges store on /dev/rtibm0 force eject
Parameter error. Reason: "DBT2112N  Device "/dev/rtibm0" is not a tape device.".

This is specially strange since /dev/rtibm0 certainly IS a tape device. 
For example, I can tar a file into tape with no problem at all (same userid: 

> l
total 8742968
drwxrwxr-x  4 db2inst1 db2grp1       4096 2007-03-19 18:17 ./
drwxr-x---  7 db2inst1 db2grp1       4096 2006-06-02 08:42 ../
-rw-r-----  1 db2inst1 db2grp1     438873 2007-03-07 16:16 db2rbind.log

> whoami

> tar -cvf /dev/rtibm0 db2rbind.log

So, it's not a matter of permissions because I DO CAN use the tape device for 
other purposes (tar) but for some reason db2tapemgr does not recognize 
/dev/rtibm0 as a tape device. Therefore the /dev/rtibm0 tape device DOES exist.

These are other info about the tape device: 
Setting device 0.0.0800 online
TapeNo  BusID      CuType/Model DevType/Model   BlkSize State   Op      MedState
0       0.0.0800   3590/50      3590/11         auto    UNUSED  ---     LOADED

Does anyone know about this problem ?
Any help will be very welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Raul Baron

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