for #1, what about issuing 'df' command and parse that
directory ? Or 'mount' command ? I mean on z/OS side.


--- "McKown, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm posting this to both the MVS OS (z/OS UNIX)
> forum and the Linux
> forum because it involves both platforms, at least
> to an extent. I have
> a Linux box which is running an NFS server. It has a
> subdirectory which
> is NFS exported. The z/OS system imports this
> subdirectory. I have a job
> on z/OS which writes data to the z/OS UNIX
> subdirectory which is
> __supposed__ to be mounted to the Linux machine. And
> it does, so long as
> the NFS mount has been issued on the z/OS system
> (which is not automated
> at present) and the Linux machine (which is mine -
> not a server per se)
> is up.
> What I'd like to be able to __easily__ figure out
> are:
> (1) is the z/OS UNIX subdirectory properly NFS
> MOUNTed to the Linux
> system?
> (2) is the Linux system actually working?
> I also have ssh working between z/OS UNIX and Linux.
> So I think that I
> can answer question 2 by simply trying a "do
> nothing" ssh from z/OS to
> Linux. If it works, then the Linux box is up. If it
> doesn't then
> something is wrong and I need a return code in the
> batch job on z/OS to
> indicate this. I think this is doable.
> But I cannot figure out how to determine #1. What
> I've come up with is
> something like:
> Have the batch job do an ssh connect to the Linux
> box and do a "cat"
> function to write a file on the Linux system in the
> NFS exported
> subdirectory. If the ssh fails, then assume
> something is wrong with the
> Linux system and set a bad RC so that I know to look
> at what is going
> on. If the ssh works, then do a "compare" between
> the original file on
> the z/OS system and what is on the NFS file. If they
> are not equal,
> assume that the subdirectory is not NFS mount and
> issue a bad RC. Does
> this sounds reasonable?
> --
> John McKown
> Senior Systems Programmer
> HealthMarkets
> Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
> Administrative Services Group
> Information Technology
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