>>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at  5:03 PM, in message
> Does anyone have any experience setting up and running Slack/390 under z/VM?
> Also do you have any other experience with other distros (e.g. SUSE
> enterprise) ? What are your experiences comparing the two? Or just
> observations in general. I would love to hear from people on this! Thanks.

I have quite a lot, as it happens.  :)  It's pretty easy to install, but I'm 
used to it.

The differences between Slack/390 and SLES are pretty big, from certain 
perspectives.  You won't find any commercial software certified to run on 
Slack/390 (which doesn't mean it won't run, necessarily, but the vendor won't 
support you).  There isn't a 64-bit version (yet).  It's primarily a 2.4 kernel 
based system (so far).

I created Slack/390 to give people a choice and the ability to run mainframe 
Linux without having to pay anyone for anything, ever.  It was never intended 
to take the place of commercially supported and ISV certified distributions.  I 
guess the question I would ask of you is, what are you wanting to do with Linux 
for System z?  The answer to that will to a large extent determine what 
distribution you should be running.

Mark Post

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