> We are looking at moving our WebSphere workload from z/OS to Linux. We > have lots of 4way x86 Linux boxes running WebSphere - each instance > capable of running dozens (nearly 100 in some cases) of application > servers (JVMs) with many GB of memory. On WebSphere for z/OS, an LPAR > might have 32 application servers collectively collectively using 8GB of > memory and 2 zAAPs - not saying that is the max it can run, it's just a > sample size of an existing workload. > > If I move this example Websphere for z/OS workload to zLinux, would it fit > on one Linux guest with 8GB of virtual memory and 2 IFL's.
Sounds like you're relying heavily on knowledge that not all the JVMs will ever fire at the same time (on both platforms). If so, then the answer is "maybe; you need to measure usage patterns". Otherwise, the answer is "probably not, unless you have a fairly large z10". If all those JVMs ever fire at once, you're going to be in a world of pain. You need a lot more information about how those apps and JVMs behave before you can answer the question. The fact you mention that you're already using 2 ZAAPs and you get many fewer JVMs per z/OS tends to worry me already. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit http://www.marist.edu/htbin/wlvindex?LINUX-390