Thanks all..
Marcy: The request is to have one large directory space, not two
separate spaces (two LVs on one VG0... Yes it would work, but not what
they're asking...
Scott: I agree. Alas, most of the hardcoded directory addresses I've
found are in things like WebSphere control files. Wouldn't it be nice
if IBM didn't hardcode all those things... Sigh...
Mark: Agreed on the naming... Alas, we can only "consult" and advise.
I hadn't thought of the bind mounting... That gives me a plan B in
Thanks all,
Mark Post wrote:
On 5/12/2009 at 7:38 PM, Lee Stewart <> wrote:
IF (big if) they will merge without overlap, can I put the new LVM
online at /opt/IBM1 (where all the stuff that was on /opt/IBM1 will
continue to run). And put a synlink in /opt as /opt/IBM2 that points
to /opt/IBM1 (so all the stuff that was in /opt/IBM2 will also continue
to run.
Probably, but I would more inclined to ask them to figure out a real naming
standard, and just have one mount point, /opt/IBM/, such as:
If it turns out that symlinks don't work,the most likely bind mounting the
subdirectories on top of /opt/IBM1 and /opt/IBM2 almost certainly will.
Mark Post
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Lee Stewart, Senior SE
Sirius Computer Solutions
Phone: (303) 996-7122
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