You can also issue the db2fmcu -d command.  This erases the fmc entries in
inittab.  Also ./sqllib/fm.whatever.reg  check the instances and make sure
everyone FM_ON and FM_ACTIVE are set to NO.

'Where ever you go - There you are!! '
Richard (Gaz) Gasiorowski
System z - Linux Product Manager
Portfolio Platform Services
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Rob van der Heij <>
Sent by: Linux on 390 Port <LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU>
05/26/2009 11:22 AM
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Linux on 390 Port <LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU>


Re: High interrupt rate

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Deric Abel <>
> Hi,  I have an issue with one of my linux guests (sles10) where when we
enable HADR with db2 the HADR db guest interrupt rate jumps from a few
thousand to 300,000 per second.  This causes the guest to be using 20-30%
of one IFL, despite doing very little.  Has anyone seen this issue before,
or know of a good way to debug it?

Without performance data.... but you probably have db2fmcd running.
This has nothing to do with HADR but frequently interferes with it.
We're not sure whether it is a bug or design problem with db2fmcd that
it sometimes starts to poll. Combined with a kernel bug in SLES10 SP2,
it typically causes a lot of overhead. Since db2fmcd has no function
in this environment, the easy way out is to stop it (and remove the
entry in /etc/inittab )

Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software

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