On 09/06/2009 03:21 PM, עופר ברוך wrote:
Can anyone say when cmm-2 will be supported on Redhat?
I am currently using cmm-1 and it is just not good enough.

Unlikely it ever will be, to be honest. The code was never upstreamed due to several issues (complexity, quality, effects on other architectures, etc), withdrawn from SLES11, and IBM no longer requests that we put it in RHEL6.

The latest attempt of upstream CMMA approval I have is here, for those interested in the dialog:

And it was documented as being removed in SLES11 here:
# Collaborative memory management Stage II (CMM2) currently not available

IBM and Novell are working to integrate this technology into the Linux Kernel
and move it to a supported solution in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server as soon as
available upstream.

Should IBM ever be able to get CMMA upstream, it will automatically be pulled into both RHEL and SLES.

Development efforts around CMMA have largely re-focused to a technology called CMM-Lite (i.e. CMM2-Lite). This version has already been accepted in upstream development kernels as of 2.6.26, and we plan to bring it into RHEL6 (earlier if I get enough customer demand). You can read about, and track, development efforts at:


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