rui wrote:
Hi all,

This is my first message to this list and I am having a strange problem on
s390x system.

uname -a
Linux suse9 2.6.5-7.97-s390x #1 SMP Fri Jul 2 14:21:59 UTC 2004 s390x s390x
s390x GNU/Linux

I am building my software on this system with these compiler/linker options
as 32bit build.
CC="g++ -m31"


LOPTS_LINUX_OS390="-L. -Wall -lpthread -lm -lnsl -lrt -ldl -lcrypt

The build is fine but when I execute my software and for a certain operation
i receive SIGILL, which I don't seem to understand -- it happens at a start
of a c++ based constructor in which the only difference from the rest of the
application is that stl is used.

I can't seem to get to the bottom of this, are there any compile/link flags,
which I am not using correctly or is there something else.

The code is built as 32bit  on hp, solaris, suse linux and redhat linux
without any problem and works fine, even on 64 bit version of redhat linux.

Can anybody help me out with this, please?

What model of CPU are you using?
cat /proc/cpuinfo

Can you use gdb to find just what the instruction is that it's failing
on and post the hex code to the list?

Just for giggles (and if you have the time), fire up Hercules on a PC
and try on that. I don't think that you can actually choose the CPU it
emulates (I've not used it for some time, I used to specify "model=3168"
and that ran Linux just fine), but it's a different processor.



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