We have a customer experiencing difficulties with a s390 Linux under VM networking
The Linux OS's tried are SuSe 11, SuSe 10.3 and RedHat 5.5 For test purposes on the guests we have defined Adapter 1: vswitch 1, layer 3, OSA card attached. 142.* ip address Adapter 2: vswitch 2, vlan aware, port access, layer 2, OSA card attached 10.* ip address Adapter 3: vswitch 3, vlan aware, port access, layer 2, NO OSA CARD 192.* ip address Adapter 1: is connected and working correctly between the VM guests and on the intranet. Adapter 2: is connected and not working between the VM guests also not working on the intranet. Adapter 3: is connected and working between the guests, no physical connection to the intranet. Only apparent difference between adapter 2 and adapter 3 is that an OSA card that is attached to Adapter 2. Any one have experience with a similar situation/resolution? Peter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@vm.marist.edu with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit http://www.marist.edu/htbin/wlvindex?LINUX-390