Rob has a good point in resource usage and with GC it definitely is the
lesser of two evils.  I have never had an instance where after determining
the GC Collector settings performance and % utilization suffered
negatively.  One can also look at GC as being Java feeble attempt at
memory management.

Richard (Gaz) Gasiorowski
SA&E Solution Architect
3170 Fairview Park Dr., Falls Church, VA 22042
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Rob van der Heij <>
06/24/2010 04:45 AM
Re: Memory use question

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Rodger Donaldson
<> wrote:

> Well, bearing in mind both the Sun and IBM JVMs default to memory
> settings that both IBM and Sun say are crap for app servers (e.g.
> neither using their 1.4 or later GC algorithms by default), I'm not sure
> I'd place too much stock in their defaults.

It's my understanding that the WAS properties (or such) override the
setting. I guess I'll have to look into the typical settings then...
One of the design choices with the JVM is that memory management data
(counters, pointers, etc) are within the objects being managed. This
is not entirely lucky for virtualized environment because it means
that pages with allocated old objects are referenced and thus paged
back in. With small enough objects, a GC scan needs the entire heap
resident. I thought modern GC strategies identified generations of
data in the heap that would allow old data to be skipped in most

> Our experince, both on standalone Solaris boxes using the Sun JVM, and
> on our zLinux guests using the IBM JVM, has been that large min/max
> separation has produced poor results, as the JVM tends to consistently
> try to push memory use back down to the min setting, often invoking
> unnecessary GCs to do so.

Memory has to come from somewhere. Whether a GC was unnecessary is
hard to tell, especially in a virtualized environment. While it is
true GC takes valuable resources, so does any (memory) management.
Simply the fact that you can't identify the cost does not mean it's
for free...

With an application server that does not hold data (data resides in
the database elsewhere) we could expect memory requirements to consist
of a base level plus some amount for each active connection. I've
talked to application developers who had very good understanding of
the requirements per transaction. Depending on typical volume,
duration and freqeuency of such active connections, you get a typical
heap size. If you set the minimum a bit aobve that, malloc() / free()
calls should happen only around periods with significantly more active
connections. I recall you can also change the chunk size to create
some hystheresis.

Don't know whether this model still works now that developers start to
implement cache with in-memory databases on top of GC-managed

> Using our actual applications with our stress test suites (which tend to
> have pretty good predictave power) we tend to see worse application
> behaviour (small stalls, higher average response times) and higher CPU
> use when giving a big spread for min/max; on an older Sun JVM/Solaris
> combo we also saw failure in the application to ramp up quickly enough
> to deal with load spikes, with big stalls as the JVM tried to alloc

Don't know about yours, but stress tests often involve periods with
high utilization. While you need that stake in the ground, it's not
the best one to measure scalability: if you need the resource 90% of
the time, you worry less about how to share it during the remaining
10%. But if you have an average utilization of 5% and a duty cycle of
an hour, then it makes sense trying to share resources even if it
costs you something extra (during the 5% that your application is

> (That last behaviour was common to connection pooling - if we didn't
> open enough connections to Oracle at startup time, the app could have
> bad performance or even fail as load ramped up due to an inability to
> open connections quickly enough.)

Though it might sound nice to have a large connection pool, if that
means the data is referenced very rarely (would not be surprised to
see round-robin rather than push-down stack) then you may get paged on
z/VM level and held back even longer.

Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software

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