Hello All,

I've been implementing IBM's MQ series on zLinux machines to replace our
current architecture of MQ on Windows.  To do so, however, I have to
reach back to our Active Directory server for group enumeration to
figure out which MQ objects a particular MQ client can
read/update/modify etc.  I've been able to make that work with a few
restrictions but I do have an outstanding problem.

Occasionally, but not always, MQ stalls for a long time (minutes) when
reloading the authorization tables.    The correct answer is always
returned, but a 60 second delay is above the threshold for error
processing for some of our systems.   Normally, that reload occurs in
sub second time.

When the stall does occur, I've used top to see what's happening on the
system.  'winbind' is the top application and it stays busy for the
duration of the stall.  No surprise there, just confirmation.   To boil
this problem down a bit, I can replicate the same behavior using the
command 'wbinfo -g'.    Usually, the command will return all of the
results sub second.  Occasionally, it'll take 15 to 60 seconds before
the first record is returned.  It always eventually returns the full set
of data.

I can usually (BUT NOT ALWAYS!) replicate the 'wbinfo -u' stall
conditions two ways:  
1 - Restart winbind.  The first wbinfo request will be delayed.
Subsequent requests are sub-second.
2 - Wait for a while - about 5 minutes.   Then do 'wbinfo -u'.  It'll
usually be delayed.

Because of the time delay, it does seem like a caching problem.  I've
dismissed (perhaps wrongly) the AD server because I can recreate the
stall in short time by cycling winbind.   Also, I'm lucky enough to have
a couple of AD domains because of my Windows group's test environments.
Both exhibit the same behavior.   

So my questions for the list are these:

1 - Is anybody else doing a similar function?   zLinux to AD for group
enumeration?   I have examples of the needed /etc/config files if you'd
like some guidance on how to set this up.
2 - If you are doing it, have you experienced a similar occasional
3 - Any suggestions for resolution?

Config file, details, timings, gladly provided upon request.


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