Here is a version we run for each of our VM/zlinux servers to a allow
access to run scripts
on a inside web server in VMware. We do each and ecvery time a zLinux
Informix set up is
(and there will be about 120 instances)

MAYBE it will helps someone here:

## generate KEYS for Power User ..
## NOTE:  INSIDESERVER variable is set prior
## To the script being run

if [ "$USER" != "root" ]
   echo "YOu must be ROOT user to excute this ..."
   exit 1

cd /home/poweruser
rm -rf .ssh/
mkdir .ssh
chown poweruser:users .ssh/

su - poweruser -c 'ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -N "" -f
su - poweruser -c 'ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t dsa -N "" -f

echo "Now copying over the key pairs .."
cat /home/poweruser/.ssh/ | ssh root@${INSIDESERVER} "cat >>
echo "Key gen now complete ..."

exit 0

Ben Duncan - Business Network Solutions, Inc. 336 Elton Road  Jackson
MS, 39212
"Never attribute to malice, that which can be adequately explained by
- Hanlon's Razor

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Cloning & SSH keys
> From: "r.stricklin" <>
> Date: Mon, July 16, 2012 9:24 pm
> On Jul 16, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Lee Stewart wrote:
> > I'd never thought about it before, but a customer pointed out that when
> > you clone a system, each Linux clone has the same Host RSA key
> > fingerprint as it's master.   I can't think of anything that would cause
> > a problem with.  On the other hand, if they wanted to regenerate the
> > keys, does it take more than erasing the current keys and restarting sshd?
> That's all it takes. 
> Some of the security features of ssh break down in subtle ways if you have 
> multiple hosts with the same host key. I personally would advise creating new 
> keys for each clone. It was part of the clone automation I implemented in a 
> prior life.
> Since I think none of this is left in production and somebody should get use 
> from it...
> If you have a DHCP server on your VSWITCH, with entries in it like this:
>         host lnx80151 {     # ascii --> \0  L  N  X  8  0  1  5  1  <-- VM 
> username                   
>           option dhcp-client-identifier 00:4c:4e:58:38:30:31:35:31;       
>           option host-name "linux-dhcp-demo";                             
>           fixed-address;                                      
>         }                                                                 
> And change dhcpcd on your linux systems so that the client sends the VM 
> username as its client ID. On SLES this is the DHCLIENT_CLIENT_ID line in 
> /etc/sysconfig/dhcp:
>        DHCLIENT_CLIENT_ID=`/usr/bin/awk '/VM00 Name:/ { print $NF }' 
> /proc/sysinfo`
> Then you'll get the ability for a clone to detect that it's been cloned, 
> using information provided by the DHCP client. From there, you can automate 
> all kinds of post-clone configuration (which is also useful for reconfiguring 
> guest network settings in in a DR test scenario), with dhcp-config-hook type 
> scripts (SuSE provides an example for changing smb.conf when the DHCP lease 
> changes).
> My dhcp-config-hook script was ugly but effective. I'll share it; check the 
> end of the message. I also had to write an early-stage init script to 
> regenerate UUIDs for LVM and XFS, that also worked off detecting that the VM 
> user name had changed. I'll share that too, since I'm sharing. You guys are 
> welcome to take from them what you need.
> ok
> bear.
> ---[BEGIN /etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d/dhcpcd-config-hook]---
> #! /bin/bash
> #
> # Update system config files after DHCP changes
> # Inspired by SuSE 'dhcpcd-hook-samba'
> #
> # 20070426 rjs
> #
> # Apparently we receive these as arguments:
> # $1 - configuration name, e.g. ifcfg-qeth-bus-ccw-0.0.a001
> # $2 - interface name, e.g. eth0
> # $3-$n - additional options. Unknown whether this is anything useful or
> #         important.
> #
> # The important bits:
> # 1. This script is called for every ifup, whether dhcp is used, or not.
> #    Therefore, it is up to us to read a bunch of junk to determine whether
> #    it's even appropriate to run.
> #
> # 2. I was cranky about the way the SuSE script relies on dhcpcd providing 
> #    old lease information, but then realized that it was a handy interface
> #    for consolidating a few system maintenance processes that used to be
> #    separate, into one. If the SuSE DHCP client ever changes so that the
> #    old lease information is not available, things will become complicated
> #    again.
> # 
> # 3. There is no number 3.
> #
> # 4. If we ever decide to use dhclient instead of dhcpcd, some of this will 
> #    have to be rewritten.
> #
> # 5. The "new" version of dhcpcd is completely rewritten since SLES10 and no
> #    longer provides old lease information. This script has been updated to
> #    simulate this behavior. It creates an edge condition for the first run
> #    but as long as the extra step to create the initial old lease file 
> #    stays in the process we should never encounter it (the edge condition)
> #    in normal operation.
> #
> PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin ; export PATH
> # config file locations
> IF_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-${cfg}"
> DHCP_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp"
> # files we may change 
> SSH_HOST_KEYS='/etc/ssh/ssh_host*key*'
> # don't let any of these variable names be the same as records in
> # /var/lib/dhcpcd*info !
> HOSTS="/etc/hosts"
> DSM="/etc/dsm.sys"
> VSFTPD="/etc/vsftpd.conf"
> POSTFIX_MAIN="/etc/postfix/"
> ANALOG="/etc/analog.cfg"
> APACHE2="/etc/apache2/default-server.conf"
> #
> # Function declarations
> #
> function log_debug() {
>       case "${options}" in 
>               *debug*)
>                       logger -t $0 -p daemon.debug "$1"
>                       ;;
>       esac
> }
> function log_error() {
>       logger -t $0 -p daemon.err "$1"
>       exit 1
> }
> function getLeaseInfo() {
>       DHCP_LEASE="/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-${if}.info"
>       DHCP_OLD="/var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-${if}.info.old"
>       # this will break on the first call after making the system
>       # a dhcp client... i.e. new install. I think in practice
>       # we should never see this happen.
>       if [ -r ${DHCP_LEASE} -a -r ${DHCP_OLD} ] ; then
>               . $DHCP_LEASE
>               new_CLIENTID=$CLIENTID
>               new_HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME
>               new_DOMAIN=$DOMAIN
>               new_IPADDR=$IPADDR
>               . $DHCP_OLD
>               old_CLIENTID=$CLIENTID
>               old_HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME
>               old_DOMAIN=$DOMAIN
>               old_IPADDR=$IPADDR
>       else
>               log_error "$0 can't read DHCP lease info. Aborting."
>               exit 1
>       fi
> }
> #
> # end function decl.
> #
> if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then
>       log_error "$0 did not receive the right number of arguments."
>       exit 1 
> fi
> cfg="$1" ; shift
> if="$1" ; shift
> options="$@"  # apparently this may begin with "-o" ... ?
> #
> # Figure out whether we even ought to be running.
> # 
> # 1. Check /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp
> #    relies on extra variable not part of normal SuSE installation
> #    DHCLIENT_MODIFY_SYS_FILES (must be added for this to work)
> #
> # 2. Check /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-(ifname)
> #    if we're not setup for dhcp on this interface, exit quietly
> #
> if [ -r "$DHCP_CONFIG_FILE" ] ; then
>       case "${DHCLIENT_MODIFY_SYS_FILES}" in
>               yes|YES|Yes) : ;;
>               *) exit 0 ;;
>       esac
> fi
> if [ -r "$IF_CONFIG_FILE" ] ; then
>       . $IF_CONFIG_FILE
>       case "${BOOTPROTO}" in
>               dhcp|dhcp+autoip) : ;;
>               *) exit 0 ;;
>       esac
> fi
> getLeaseInfo
> #
> # did anything important change?
> #
> predicate=0
>       new="new_$info"
>       old="old_$info"
>       log_debug "${info}: NEW \(${!new}\) OLD \(${!old}\)"
>       [ "${!new}" != "${!old}" ] && $((predicate++))
> done
> #
> # if nothing important changed, end quietly, now.
> #
> log_debug "PREDICATE $predicate"
> [ $predicate -eq 0 ] && exit 0
> #
> # something important changed, so fix files
> #
> # first, clean up some cruft
> if [ "$old_CLIENTID" != "$new_CLIENTID" ] ; then
>       rm ${SSH_HOST_KEYS}
>       rm /root/.*history
> fi
> new_LONGNAME=${new_HOSTNAME}.${new_DOMAIN}
> old_LONGNAME=${old_HOSTNAME}.${old_DOMAIN} 
> log_debug "LONGNAME: NEW \($new_LONGNAME\) OLD \($old_LONGNAME\)"
> echo "DHCP client configuration changed."
> for file in $FILES ; do
>       if [ -r "${!file}" ] ; then
>               echo "   updating ${!file}."
>               cp ${!file} ${!file}.dhcpold
> # this is ugly.
> # change the old info to the new info
> # but an old_IPADDR of will also match, etc.
> # so to make sure we get only the address (shortname, etc.) we care about
> # (barring shortnames like "the" or "web" (eek!)) make sure the patterns
> # are preceeded and followed only by whitespace, quotation marks, equal
> # signs, open or close parentheses, BOL (^) or EOL ($), and that the 
> # replacements are preceeded and followed by the same.
>               sed -e "s/\(^\|[(\"\' \t=]\)${old_LONGNAME}\([)\"\' 
> \t=]\|$\)/\1${new_LONGNAME}\2/ 
>                         s/\(^\|[(\"\' \t=]\)${old_HOSTNAME}\([)\"\' 
> \t=]\|$\)/\1${new_HOSTNAME}\2/ 
>                         s/\(^\|[(\"\' \t=]\)${old_IPADDR}\([)\"\' 
> \t=]\|$\)/\1${new_IPADDR}\2/ 
>                         s/\(^\|[(\"\' \t=]\)${old_CLIENTID}\([)\"\' 
> \t=]\|$\)/\1${new_CLIENTID}\2/" \
>                         ${!file}.dhcpold > ${!file}
>       fi
> done
> # keep it going since dhcpcd no longer does this for us, as of SLES 11.
> # not needed (and undesireable) for SLES10 or earlier.
> ---[END /etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d/dhcpcd-config-hook]---
> ---[BEGIN /etc/init.d/boot.lvmunclone]---
> #! /bin/bash
> #
> # - ;rjs
> # - post cloning housework
> # - 20090120 updated to gen new XFS UUIDs, in addition to LVM UUIDs
> # 
> # Provides:       boot.lvmunclone
> # Required-Start: boot.udev boot.device-mapper
> # Required-Stop:
> # Should-Start:
> # Should-Stop:
> # Default-Start:  B
> # Default-Stop: 
> # Description:    Guarantee unique LVM UUIDs on vgroot after cloning
> [ "$1" != "start" ] && exit 0
> VG=vgroot
> # sed, awk, and grep are all in bin, dynamically linked with libc in /lib64
> # no need for /usr to be mounted, just for the dynamic loader to work
> #
> # xfs_admin is in /usr/sbin though.
> #
> VM00=`awk '/VM00 Name/ { print $NF }' /proc/sysinfo`
> TAGS=`vgs --noheadings -o vg_tags ${VG} | sed -e 's/,/ /g'`
> case ${TAGS} in 
> *${VM00}*)
>       # VG tagged with VM00 Name, no work needed
>       exit 0
>       ;;
> *)    
>       # VG tagged with some other VM00 Name, we were cloned
>       echo "Regenerating LVM UUIDs (${VG})."
>       for dev in `pvdisplay -c | awk -F':' "/:${VG}:/ { print \\$1 }"` ; do
>               pvchange -u ${dev}
>       done
>       vgchange -u ${VG}
>       for dev in `lvdisplay -c | awk -F':' "/:${VG}:/ { print \\$1 }"` ; do
>               xfs_admin -U generate ${dev}
>       done
>       # update vg tags for next run.
>       for tag in ${TAGS} ; do
>               vgchange --deltag ${tag} ${VG}
>       done
>       vgchange --addtag ${VM00} ${VG}
>       ;;
> esac
> ---[END /etc/init.d/boot.lvmunclone]---
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