Note that the network management software differs by distro: RHEL uses NetworkManager (see Eric's answer below), SUSE uses wicked, and Ubuntu uses netplan - and beware: Some distros changed their tools over time: E.g. Ubuntu was formerly using NetworkManager at some point if I recall correctly. Each distro has a different user interface - so please consult your distro's manual, they usually have a good description of such tasks. Also, I'd recommend to setup a secondary interface and use that to perform the changes. With z/VM, it's really easy to setup a temporary IUCV connection between two guests (see small snippet below, needs to be performed on both sides - haven't tested it recently, but something along those lines).

$ modprobe netiucv
# Setup connection to guestB (peer)
$ echo guestB>/sys/bus/iucv/drivers/netiucv/connection
# Configure device
$ ip addr add dev iucv0
$ ip link set up dev iucv0
$ ip addr show iucv0
6: iucv0: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9216 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN group default qlen 50
    inet scope global iucv0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


On 6/30/22 06:00, Eric Chevalier wrote:
This is something I've done occasionally in our z/VM guests. All through
an ssh session, no less! (Note that our Linux guests are running RHEL8.)

In my case, I have a network connection called "enccw0.0.f804". I use
the "nmtui" command to make any changes to the connection definition.
Then I'll issue the command:

    nmcli conn down enccw0.0.f804 ; nmcli conn up enccw0.0.f804

The first nmcli command turns off the connection. The second nmcli
brings the connection back up, picking up the changes I made with nmtui.
Of course this will drop your connection to the original IP address,
forcing you to re-establish an ssh connection to the new IP address. You
have to stack the two nmcli commands as shown. Obviously, if you just
use the first nmcli command you'll never be able to re-establish your
ssh session.

As a "back door": if I were to issue the first nmcli command without
stacking the second, I could still get on to the Linux system by logging
on to the guest using a 3270 session. Granted, Linux doesn't support
3270 sessions very well (at least not ours). Full screen applications
like vim don't work very well on a 3270 session. But most command-line
commands that read from stdin and write to stdout/stderr do work. So
through my 3270 session I could issue the "nmcli conn up" command to
re-enable ssh sessions.

On 6/29/2022 10:15 PM, Peter wrote:

When an existing redhat Linux guest on zVM requires a IP change. What are
files that I need to change to reflect with new IP address?

For an existing Linux, how do I view it's console from a 3270 emulator ?
Cause as of due to the IP change the Linux guest is not connectable via SSH.

Could someone please guide me ?


Eric Chevalier
Phoenix Software International
Voice: (918) 491-6144 x410
  Cell: (918) 629-6393
   Fax: (918) 494-2701

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Stefan Raspl

Linux on Z
IBM Deutschland
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