You've no doubt heard me go on about the software-only PC emulator I've
got on my web site (probably at tedious length). Well, I've finally got
round to trying ELKS on it.

In summary? It runs fine. I used the comb image, and it boots and mounts
the file system fine. Oddly, it takes about 20 seconds to get past the
calibrating-delay-loop bit (and gets about 16 bogomips). date came up with
1 January 1997. clock came up with 31 December 1999. ash ran, but wouldn't
run any child processes.

I didn't get a chance to try the virtual consoles, because my window
manager trapped the ALT key (there's always some excuse, isn't there?).

I tried passwd and it went beserk, it seemed to be trying to dump the
password file onto the sash command line over and over again. Eventually I
reset it.

Is there anything else I could try?

+- David Given ------------McQ-+ "You'll have to excuse me. There are
|  Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | five things I need to do, all of them
|  Play: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | annoying." --- Susan Ivanova         
+- -+ 

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