

> > Hey, I'm kind of new to Linux. Well, I guess I'm new to any Unix based OS. I
> > was wondering if you could email me the files and tell me how to set up the
> > OS? You don't have to if you don't want to, but It would be really helpful,
> > because I'm still learning linux syntax and haven't even go to working with
> > external devices and compiling kernels and such, so I would appreciate it if
> > you could.

It would be a good idea if you can tell us how much you already know. :)
Anyway, I've sent the ELKS sources (386051 bytes) to your address, so that
you can start messing around with it once you're at home with Linux.

[Jonathan Hall:]

> This list isn't about Linux, really... as it's about the Linux port to
> XT- and similar-class machines.

That's true... (Actually, I'm thinking that due to its size, ELKS might
also be a good candidate for a `portable' OS, even in a 386+ PC
environment -- but that's another story. :)

# -*- http://cryogen.com/ror4/ -*- http://wwp.mirabilis.com/8123598 -*-
# pgp -kvc: 1024/89d8686d  0f f4 b4 d9 2e 12 c7 b2  1a 85 bc 12 8f 54 77 f1

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