I thought I remembered someone making a small simple terminal
program...maybe it was just for testing serial support.  I probably have
the mail sitting around somewhere, but it'd take forever to find it.  Am I
remembering right??


On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Chris Starling wrote:

> What happened to the mailing list archives?
> If I could search the archives, I could probably find the answer to 
> my next question:
> Is there a terminal emulator program for ELKS yet?  
> For those keeping count, I've got ELKS running on a Compaq 286 
> 'lunchbox' machine (1.5megs, 40 meg HD), and a Amstrad PC640 
> "portable computer" (640k RAM, 2 720k floppies, NEC V30 
> processor).  The Amstrad is neat because it can run on 10 C sized 
> battery cells or a car cigarette lighter adapter.  I'm thinking about 
> making a small solar panel array to power it.  Solar powered ELKS! 
> -chris

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