On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Mihai Badila wrote:

> > I heard that creative were being awkard about giving out any info to
> > Linux developers about the SB Live, but since I have heard that they
> > have employed some hacker (Alan Cox?) to do future drivers.
>      First, you have no idea who Alan is. Second, check 4Front at
> opensound.com & Alsa at alsa.com. I've checked with slashdot and there
> were some rumours about Creative releasing a sbLive! driver mid august.

ALSA is a http://www.alsa-project.org/

Jon Taylor (one of the GGI guys) is now working for Creativem and his
first task seems to be Linux drivers for the SB L!ve.

Initially, they will be binary only, to drop into the modularised sound
stuff in 2.2 (and Redhat's 2.0), but it seems that they do intend to
produce source-available Alsa drivers in the fullness of time (at which
stage, I imagine the L!ve will be old hat).

This still has nothing to do with linux-8086, FWIW.


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