On Wed, 12 May 1999, Curtis Weyant wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm new to this mailing list, but a friend and I have been working on getting an 
>ELKS machine running for awhile.  Anyway, the other night we were screwing around 
>with some images, and we wondered why no one had taken the traditional Linux penguin 
>and created an ELKS specific logo based on it.  So, we did.
> Anyway, we basically took a penguin .gif from -- uh, well, from somewhere (my friend 
>got it), and added some antlers.  We also took the liberty of modifying Mr. Riddoch's 
>ELKS-LOGO.gif by adding our penuin onto it (hope you don't mind).  Of course, I'll 
>let the ELKS world decide if we've done a good thing.  You can look at the pictures 
> http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/dylan38/peng.html
> Laugh at 'em, download 'em, modify 'em, animate 'em, let me know what you think of 
>'em.  I'm not a very technical guy, but I figured, hey, any way I can support the 
>ELKS community and add my bit of creativity is good, right?  What do you think?

I think its the D's B's. Cute, yet Elky. I might have to make some antlers
for my penguin here ;-) (Its a WaiYipToys one - #5.50 at www.linuxit.com).

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