Can anyone tell me if the "t" mode for executables does anything.
Sometimes referred to as the "sticky bit", it is supposed to make an
executable stay in swap space after it is run, so the next time it
is run it simply swaps in and executes.

I have serveral questions:

1. If Linux works like BSD, it uses mmap() to "map" an image into
   memory, then begins executing at the start location and "damand
   pages" additional pages into memory as needed.

   If so, this would seem to preclude the need for the sticky bit.

2. Therefore, does the sticky bit really do anyting at all?

I ran some benchmarks, runing a big program over and over, and found
zero difference between "with" and "without" the sticky bit set.

Can someone clear this up for me?

Please reply to me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dick Kreutzer

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