On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Chris Starling wrote:

> > Why would anyone want to use any editor other than vi?
> I'm almost done with the EMACS port.   :)
> But seriously...  I'm wanting to get my C skills back into shape.  Can anyone
> think of a good program to port?  Maybe "ed" wouldn't be such a bad start...  or
> maybe some old games from Slackware's Y package...

Bcc. I think that its one of the things that needs porting the most. Why?
Here's why.

ELKS is shaping up quite nicely. We have a useable unixish system. But I
think that it needs certain things:

        A C compiler.
        A nice(ish) way to install it. (ie, distribution)
        A decent text editor.
        Romability. (I think I just invented a new word! 8*)
        More standard unix commands.
        Protected mode stuff. (With Expanded memory support).

Some of these things will be difficult (if possible), but I think that
this is what we need to make it into a useable system. If people can use
the thing, then they are a lot more likely to work on it / test it.

Luke(Boo) Farrar.

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