On Thursday, June 03, 1999 1:36 PM, Alex Holden [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
: On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Alan Cox wrote:
: > Keep networking mostly in user space.  That btw is also the model things like
: > the early networking work on V7 unix took.
: I was wondering if KA9Q NOS might be used as a basis for ELKS TCP/IP,
: rather than starting again from scratch...

        That's a potentially very good idea.  KA9Q is big, though, and needs
compiler mods for bcc in order to fit in 64k.

        This brings up my wishlist again, that we should have bcc compiler
support for medium and large models for x86.  Al Ridoch doesn't want to
move to supporting the _far keyword.  I think that it would buy us alot, especially
if we're going to stick with old outdated processors like the 8086.


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