: I dunno about pcf -> bdf conversion, but if you'd like to use the wealth
: of Linux Console fonts out there, I've written a PSF/ROM font image -> BDF
: converter. It's at http://www.nmt.edu/~bsittler/convfont/convfont.c, and
: it's in the public domain.

        Cool.  I'll take a look at it, and possibly include it in the Micro-windows
distribution for grabbing Linux fonts.

The font from the Kaypro 2x (which is only good for
: ASCII, not ISO-8859-1,) has been converted to BDF and is available at
: http://www.nmt.edu/~bsittler/kaypro2x.bdf. It is an 8x16-pixel font with
: ASCII, line-drawing, and block-graphics characters. The computer it was
: created for, the Kaypro 2x, has been out of production for well over a
: decade, and the company which made it is long gone.

        Ah yes, the old Kaypro 2x.  I still have one.  I'll take a look at
that stuff as well...

: I am also willing to draw new typefaces to order, given general guidelines
: on how they should look. I prefer fixed-width typefaces to variable-width,
: simply because the program I draw my fonts for (a video game in
: development) can't use variable-width typefaces for reasons of efficiency
: (it would require harder math before each screen redraw if the character 
: cells weren't exactly half the size of the graphics cells.)

        The newer windowing systems all use proportional fonts, they
look far superior to fixed width stuff.

: If you're interested in fonts for a non-unity aspect ratio (i.e. for CGA
: or EGA resolutions,) I have drawn several fonts on an 8x9-pixel grid which
: I can automatically convert to BDF format. Does this interest you? Once
: again, they include only ASCII (and a few line-drawing characters.)
        I think 8x9 is too small.  I would like to see some VGA variations,
for text display, however.


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