Greg wrote
>       I encountered mostly the same thing, although I didn't see the
>_setsid problem.  The mktemp.o bug is because the gcc compiler is
>being used, rather than bcc for the byacc/ dir, and requires a Makefile
>mod.  I will submit a patch to Al for all this stuff shortly, there are a 
>number of
>other problems in the elkscmd make as well.
>       Are you using dev86 version 0.14.8?  That's what I used.  It requires
>a patch as well if you're running libc 2.0...  I'll submit that as well.

I am using the latest dev86 from the primary ftp site (got it on Saturday), 
don't know if i am running libc 2.0.

How can I use this patch to get elkscmd to compile (or do i have to wait for 
a later virsion)

Thomas Stewart :-)

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