On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Blaz Antonic wrote:

> The problem is that i don't really understand that pmode example on
> www.x86.org .. it's weird. The only person that seemed to have a clue
> about 286pmode dissapeared without producing any usable results.

        One way of looking at it is that 286pmode is a subset of
386pmode... the most important thing to remember is that there is no
paging and segments are at most 64K long.

> Maybe Alan Cox will have some time eventually to explain what needs to
> be changed in order to switch to pmode (memory allocation, interrupt
> handling and kicking out BIOS drivers i presume).

        Here are some quick notes:

        - There should be a complete working set of direct HW drivers.  I 
guess if you were starting out one could just use a console driver to see 
if the main kernel worked.  But it wouldn't be too useful.

        - The segment malloc system could probably be used after modifying
it to work with 256-byte 'segments' and a descriptor alloc/free system.

        - Interrupt handling can be handled in regular Linux fashion.

        - Chad

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