On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Alistair Riddoch wrote:
>Clean your source tree using 'make distclean', and then do 'make config'

I see my mistake now. I initially used non-default options, then
it didn't work, so I did 'make clean' instead of 'make distclean'.
It compiled fine after 'make distclean'. I'm sorry for the annoyance.
Hopefully I can compensate for it with some bugfixes or something.

After compiling and making a bootdisk, it booted okay. Then I
created a root disk using FAQs Q2.4 and Q2.5. Because I am new
at this, and the FAQ is a bit dated (I understand, ELKS is still
evolving), I had some trouble. However, that caused me to
look at the source, i.e. to learn, and that is why I'm playing
with ELKS anyway.

The problems were:

1) In FAQ Q2.4, it says 'bcc -0 -O -s init.c -o init  (and similar
for login) which is missing the '-ansi' flag. That is easy to debug
from the compiler error, plus a couple lines below this it alludes
to the '-ansi' flag.

2) In FAQ Q2.5, it refers several times to /dev/tty, but in the
source elkscmd/sys_utils/init.c, the zero-th element of
'struct exec_struct tty_list[]' is called '/dev/tty1'. Consequently,
the root disk would appear to hang after "Loading init". Renaming
/dev/tty to /dev/tty1 allowed sash to appear.

3) Also FAQ Q2.5, it says 'mkfs -t minix -n14 /dev/fd0 1440', but
my mkfs has no -n14 option. However, 'mkfs.minix -n14 /dev/fd0 1440'
works okay. (Maybe it's just my (Redhat 5.1) distribution.)


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